Обовʼязковий чек-ліст на щорічне медичне обстеження


Alla Korolevskaya is with you in this section “medicine in the patient’s language”.

The healthcare system aimed at disease prevention which was founded by Nikolai Aleksandrovich Semashko is recognized as the best in the whole world. Today it is being implemented in many developed countries but unfortunately, in the Ukraine, due to some reasons, it is not getting enough attention...

In my opinion, one of the best ideas of the Semashko system was an annual preventive medical examination. Now we call it a foreign word "check-up".

This medical check-up, unfortunately, is quite often neglected by both individual doctors and some private clinics, directing the patient instead to the full range of diagnostic services. This inevitably leads to limitations imposed by our financial capabilities.

I suggest a mandatory checklist for the examination:

  • mandatory tests:
    • clinical blood and urine tests
    • kidney and liver tests
    • total cholesterol and lipid profile
    • serum glucose
      I recommend doing all laboratory tests on an empty stomach (with the exception of exercise tests)
  • X-ray examination of the chest organs (fluorography, digital x-ray examination, radiography, computed tomography)
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs, thyroid gland, urinary tract, pelvic organs in women and prostate in men.

This is the “minimum mandatory program”. It should also be noted that there are points that require special attention: age, gender and your previous diseases. And taking into account your individual characteristics, it is possible to add additional laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures. I recommend that you discuss all this, as well as the results of your examination, with your family doctor.

I personally suggest that you take responsibility for your health yourself and undergo an annual preventive medical examination.

Alla Korolevskaya and the section MEDICINE IN THE PATIENT’S LANGUAGE were with you!

Stay healthy!

I embrace you with my heart!