Today we’ll talk about colon cleansing. This is an important part of any successful performance of both the colonoscopy and any surgical intervention in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. In general, every surgical intervention that requires anesthesia needs a colon cleansing.

There is a drug that I always recommend to my patients: Isiklin. This is a very convenient and easy-to-use medication. The kit includes a measuring cup for half a liter of liquid and two bottles of the medical substance that we are going to use. First, you decide what kind of preparation to carry out: one-stage or two-stage. Since I have an early surgery planned for tomorrow, I will be doing a one-step preparation, meaning I will be doing a full bowel cleanse tonight. If your operation is planned for the second half of the next day, then two-stage preparation is recommended.

What are we doing:

Open the lid and pour the contents into the glass. Then we add water and bring the level of the liquid to the half-liter mark. Now you need to drink it all. If you find it difficult to drink this amount at once, you can divide it into two parts and drink the other half after 15 minutes.

Since it's already 18 hours for me to take my medicine and prepare for tomorrow's surgery, I start drinking now. To make it easier on my body and reduce the psychological burden, I drink half of this glass and after 15 minutes I drink the next half.

Please note that Isyklin can only be diluted with water. It is not allowed to dilute it or wash it down with strong drinks or wine.

After I take the drug in two doses, after 15 minutes I will eat the broth, after the broth I will drink tea and juice. So in order for me to have a sufficient volume, I will need to drink an additional liter of liquid, and after that, accordingly, I will need to prepare at the same intervals, we will use a second bottle of the medicinal substance. We also pour it into this measuring cup, dilute it with some water and drink it in the same way. And we can additionally take just plain water for the second part of this preparation.

After this procedure, try to stay close to the toilet, as you will need it soon.